Defense Talent Management System

The Defense Talent Management System (DTMS) is the automated executive talent management solution. DTMS is used to document Executive Development Plans, assess individual talent, provide robust feedback to each executive, and provide tools for succession planning. Features of DTMS include:

  • Allowing the deliberate management of the career lifecycle for all executives
  • Ensuring a high-quality leadership continuum
  • Providing enterprise-wide perspectives and knowledge of joint matters across the leadership spectrum
  • Assessing competencies to determine proficiency levels and identifying competency gaps Department-wide

A circular diagram with 7 boxes connecting clockwise. The boxes are Executive Profile, Self Assessment, Supervisor/Rater Assessment, Endorser, Panel Validation, Slating and Feedback.

DCPAS is responsible for providing the policies and guidance that ensure the execution of each stage of DOD’s Talent Management process.
