Federal Employees Health Benefits

The Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program provides health care benefits for over eight million Federal civilian employees, retirees, and their families. It is the most diverse employer sponsored health benefits program in the country with 276 plan options in 2021. However, the actual number available to each employee is dependent upon their geographic location. The plan options include Fee-For-Service, Health Maintenance Organization, High Deductible, and Consumer-Driven Health Plans.

There are three enrollment types available with each plan option: Self Only, Self Plus One, and Self and Family. As of December 2020, there are over 492,000 DOD employees enrolled in the FEHB Program; 36 percent are enrolled in Self Only, 14 percent in Self Plus One, and 50 percent in Self and Family.

DCPAS has the tools, resources, and acumen to help answer questions about FEHB and program administration, including agency Centralized Enrollment Clearinghouse System (CLER) records management. DCPAS provides guidance to HR Practitioners on program policy, reconsideration requests, FEHB Congressional inquiries, and CLER reconciliation corrections and reports.

Designed to describe Federal employee benefits, the DCPAS Benefits Employee Guides are a great resource for information on some of the most important Federal employee benefits. DCPAS also issues Newsflashes highlighting significant Benefits program changes, and publishes quarterly BENEFACTS Newsletters providing updates on Federal Benefits and Entitlements.

In addition to these resources, DCPAS offers training and credentialing programs in Employee Benefits and Injury Compensation. This ensures HR Practitioners have the solid Federal Benefits and Retirement foundation needed to carry out effectively their duties.
