The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) states that mandatory training includes three categories of training, to include federally mandatory training, occupational mandatory training, and role-specific mandatory training. Federally mandatory training is required for all civilian employees Government wide. This site will identify both federally mandatory and DoD wide mandatory training* required for all civilian employees. The DoD Components ensure employees complete all training mandated by law, regulation, Executive Order, directive, instruction, or other policy memorandum. The mandated training requirements, as listed below, will be completed as dictated by governing statute or regulation, including frequency of training and any required content. The training requirements are the minimum expected frequency for training.

*DoD Component heads or functional leaders of DoD-wide career development programs may supplement this mandatory training list:

  • Antiterrorism Training Level 1:

    DoD Components will provide Antiterrorism Level 1 Awareness training to orient all civilian personnel on general terrorist threat and personal protection measures that could reduce vulnerability to acts of terrorism, consistent with DoD Instruction (DoDI) O-2000.16, Volume 1. Note: Antiterrorism training will be offered to DoD contractor employees, under the terms and conditions specified in their contract.

    Citation: DoDI O-2000.16

    Training Requirement: Annual

    OPR: Policy USD(P), Intelligence & Security USD(I&S)

  • Combating Trafficking In Persons (CTIP) General Awareness Training:

    Per Public Law 117-348, “Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act of 2022, DoD Components will conduct entry level CTIP awareness training for all members of their Components to educate all DoD civilians on the worldwide trafficking menace, national trafficking in persons policy, overseas theater trafficking in persons policy, and attendant personal responsibilities consistent with DoD core values and ethical standards, within one year of initial entry on duty. Refresher training is required for all DoD personnel every 2 years. NOTE: Additional training requirements based on job or occupational series.

    Citation: DoDI 2200.01

    Training Requirement: Within first year of entry on duty

    OPR: Personnel & Readiness USD(P&R)

  • Constitution Day and Citizenship Day Training:

    DoD Components will provide education and training material about the United States Constitution as part of orientation materials and, each year, make education and training material about the United States Constitution and citizenship available on and around September 17, in accordance with Section 111 of Public Law 108-447. Note: Constitution Day and Citizenship Day Training is only required for new federal employees. The National Archives provides training and education resource materials to training providers at

    Citation: Public Law 108-447, Division J, section 111

    Training Requirement: Upon entry for new employees

    OPR: Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Privacy, Civil Liberties, and Transparency ATSD(PCLT)

  • Counterintelligence Awareness:

    DoD Components will develop and implement counterintelligence awareness training programs within their organizations, pursuant to DoDI 3305.11. The awareness and briefing programs will promote threat and reporting awareness responsibilities, enabling DoD personnel to identify threats and report suspicious situations and incidents to appropriate authorities.

    Citation: DoDI 3305.11 and DoD Directive (DoDD) 5240.06

    Training Requirement: Annual

    OPR: USD(I&S)

  • Ethics Orientation and Training:

    DoD Components will provide each new employee, within 90 days of the date of entrance on duty, one hour of duty time to review ethics materials and any additional DoD Component regulations or training course that covers similar information. Frequency of ethics training is determined by series, profession, and any additional guidance issued by the DoD General Counsel. Ethics orientation and training will be consistent with Subparts 2638.703 through 2638.705 of Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). The U.S. Office of Government Ethics provides this link with listings of the referenced CFR Subparts, as well as other ethics information: NOTE: Additional training requirements based on job or occupational series.

    Citation: 5 CFR Part 2638, Subpart C; Office of Government Ethics Memo November 10, 2016

    Training Requirement: Within 90 days upon entry on duty

    OPR: The Department of Defense Standards of Conduct Office (SOCO)

  • Cybersecurity Awareness Training:

    DoD Components will provide initial, continuing, and refresher training to all employees responsible for the management or use of computer systems that process sensitive information. This applies to executives; program and functional managers; information resource management, security, and audit personnel; information technology management, operations, and programming personnel; and end users. Training will include computer security basics, computer security policies and procedures, contingency planning and systems life cycle management. Cybersecurity Awareness training will be consistent with DoDD 8140.01, DoDI 8500.01, and Part 41, Subparts 930.301 through 930.305 of Title 5, CFR.

    Citation: Part 41, Subparts 930.301 through 930.305 of Title 5, CFR, DoDD 8140.01, and DoDI 8501.

    Training Requirement: Annual (Fiscal Year)

    OPR: DoD Chief Information Officer (CIO)

  • Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act (No FEAR Act):

    DoD Components will train all their employees (including military supervisors of civilian employees) about the rights and remedies available under antidiscrimination laws and whistleblower protection laws. Components must train new employees on these issues in their orientation programs or other training programs. Components that do not use a new employee orientation program must train new employees within 90 calendar days of appointment. No FEAR Act training will be consistent with Section 202 of Public Law 107-174, Part 724.203 of Title 5, CFR, and DoDD 1440.1.

    Citation: Section 202 of Public Law 107-174, Part 724.203 of Title 5, CFR, and DoDD 1440.1

    Training Requirement: Within 90 days upon entry on duty and then every two years

    OPR: USD(P&R)

  • Operations Security (OPSEC):

    DoD Components will establish an OPSEC program focused on command involvement, assessments, surveys, training, education, threat, resourcing, and awareness. The general workforce will receive OPSEC awareness training upon initial entry to duty and annually thereafter. Training will be in accordance with DoDD 5205.02E.

    Citation: DoDD 5205.02E

    Training Requirement: Annual

    OPR: USD(I&S)

  • Sexual Assault Prevention Education and Training:

    DoD Components will provide training programs to teach employees at all levels how to identify and prevent sexual assault. Managers and supervisors will receive specialized leadership level training. Training for all employees will be consistent with requirements in DoDD 6495.01, and DoDI 6495.02.

    Citation: DoDD 6495.01 and DoDI 6495.02

    Training Requirement: Annual

    OPR: DoD Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office

  • Privacy Act and Personally Identifiable Information:

    DoD Components will provide training on information privacy laws, regulations, policies, and procedures governing the DoD’s collection, maintenance, use or dissemination of personal information. The training will be in accordance with DoD 5400.11-R and DoDI 5400.11.

    Citation: DoD 5400.11-R and DoDI 5400.11

    Training Requirement: Annual


  • Records Management Program:

    DoD Components must provide annual training and guidance to all employees on agency records disposition requirements and procedures, in accordance with Parts 1224 and 1225 of Title 36, CFR and DoDI 5015.02. These references provide guidance on the information and documentation for records management, the principles of records management programs, retention, and disposition, discontinuing records systems, and implementing disposition, which apply to records disposition.

    Citation: DoDI 5015.02 and Parts 1224 and 1225 of title 36 CFR

    Training Requirement: Annual

    OPR: DoD CIO

  • DoD Safety and Occupational Health (SOH) Program:

    DoD Components are responsible for protecting personnel, equipment, and facilities for the effective implementation of safety and occupational health policies, and provide education and training to prevent accidents, injuries, and occupational illnesses. Supervisors and SOH Program Managers provide training for employees in according to Part 1960 of title 29, Code of Federal Regulations and as described in DoDI 6055.01.

    Citation: DoDI 6055.01, Part 1960 of Title 29, CFR

    Training Requirement: As required

    OPR: USD(P&R)

  • Insider Threat Awareness:

    DoD Components will provide training on the following learning objectives: the threat from Foreign Intelligence Entities (FIE); counterintelligence insider threat; recognizing anomalies; reporting responsibilities regarding foreign travel and foreign contacts; reporting requirements for foreign intelligence contacts, activities, indicators, and behaviors; and international terrorism contacts, activities, indicators, and behaviors. Training requirements must be administered according to 50 United States Code (U.S.C.) 401(a)(3) and DoDD 5240.06.

    Citation: 50 U.S.C. 401(a)(3) and DoDD 5240.06

    Training Requirement: Annual

    OPR: USD(I&S)

  • Unauthorized Disclosure (UD) of Classified Information and Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI):

    DoD Components will provide training on the importance of preventing the UD of classified information and CUI. CUI training will include the types of UD, misconceptions surrounding UD, impacts (i.e., harm) from UD, employee responsibilities for handling and protecting classified information and CUI, and the reporting system for UD. Training requirements must be administered according to DoDI 5200.48and DoD Manual (DoDM) 5200.01, Volume 1-3. NOTE: Training may be combined with CUI Training.

    Citation: DoDI 5200.48 and DoDM 5200.01, Volume 1-3

    Training Requirement: Annual

    OPR: USD(I&S)

  • Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI):

    DoD Components will provide training for accessing, marking, safeguarding, decontrolling and destroying CUI along with the procedures for identifying and reporting security incidents. The training will be in accordance with Executive Order (E.O.) 13556; Part 2002 of Title 32, CFR; and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Sections 252.204-7008 and 252.204-7012. NOTE: Training may be combined with UD of Classified Information and CUI Training.

    Citation: DoDI 5200.48, and E.O. 13556, Part 2002 of Title 32 C.F.R, DFARS Sections 252.204-7008 and 252.204-7012

    Training Requirement: Annual Training

    OPR: USD(I&S)

  • Workplace Violence Prevention:

    Annual training must be provided for supervisors and employees to foster workplace violence prevention and public safety awareness. At a minimum, this training provides instruction to: (a) Refrain from making threats or engaging in workplace violence; (b) Promptly report all acts or threats of violence to their immediate supervisor and appropriate military or civilian authorities; and (c) Report all incidents of any person on a DoD facility who is the subject of, witness to, or victim of threatening behavior or a violent act, to their immediate supervisor and appropriate military or civilian authorities.

    Citation: DoDI 1438.06

    Training Requirement: Annual

    OPR: USD(P&R)