Telework and Remote Work Toolkit

This toolkit provides information and resources for the Department of Defense (DOD) workforce to assist with implementing DOD Instruction 1035.01, “Telework and Remote Work.” Employees should consult with their supervisors and designated Component Telework Coordinator(s) for additional Component specific telework and remote work guidance.

Secretary of Defense Memorandum - Initial Department of Defense Implementation Guidance, 'Return to In-Person Work' 31 Jan 2025

Terminates remote work and reduces telework.

DOD Instruction 1035.01, “Telework and Remote Work”

DOD Instruction 1035.01, “Telework and Remote,” establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures for implementing DOD telework and remote work programs. This policy replaces DOD Instruction 1035.01, “Telework Policy,” dated April 4, 2012.

DoD Instruction 1035.01, “Telework and Remote Work” Frequently Asked Questions

Attached are responses to some of the most frequently asked questions related to the Department’s telework and remote work program.

Sample Remote Work Agreement

All approved remote work participants must have a remote work agreement documented in writing. At the minimum, the agreement should be signed by the employee and the immediate supervisor. The attached sample provides a basic template that can be tailored to match Component requirements.
Remote Work Agreement

Telework Agreement DD Form 2946

Section 6502(b)(2) of Title 5, U.S.C. mandates an approved written agreement for any Federal employee who participates in telework. Every DoD telework participant must have a completed and approved DD Form 2946, regardless of whether telework is routine or situational.
DD Form 2946

DoD Telework Coordinator Listing

Each DoD Component has Component-specific telework policies and procedures that address the needs of their unique missions and workforce. DoD employees are encouraged to contact their Component’s Telework Coordinator for more information on their Component specific telework and remote work policy.
Telework Coordinators List

Telework Training

It is important for teleworking employees and their managers to have the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to succeed. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) provides basic telework training modules for employees and managers. This training is mandatory for all DoD employees who telework and managers/supervisor who approve telework for their employees.
Telework Fundamentals - Employee Training
Telework Fundamentals - Manager Training

Domestic Employees Teleworking Overseas (DETO)

A DETO is defined as a United States Government employee assigned to a domestic position with an alternative work arrangement permitting a remote worksite from an overseas location for a limited period of time. This voluntary work arrangement is especially helpful to military spouses wishing to maintain their careers while keeping their families together when assigned to overseas locations. Employees interested in learning more about DETO opportunities within their Component should contact their designated Component Telework Coordinator.

DoD Memorandum – Department of State DETO Guidance

The DoD Memorandum contains policy and Department of State guidance on DETO provisions that specify the requirements that must be incorporated in a DETO policy.
DETO Guidance for Overseas Domestic Employees

Interagency DETO Agreement Template

DETO Agreement Template

DETO Locality Pay

The FY 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) includes a provision providing special locality pay to Civil Service DETOs.
DETO Locality Pay

Data Collecting and Reporting

Components are required to identify telework and remote work eligible civilian positions and document eligibility in the position record in the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System or equivalent human resources system. New telework and remote work codes have been developed to accurately track eligibility and participation in both programs, across the DoD.
Telework and Remote Work Data Elements


The OPM 2021 Guide to Telework and Remote Work in the Federal Government

The “2021 Guide to Telework and Remote Work in the Federal Government” is an update to the 2011 OPM Telework Guide. This new guide addresses policy gaps and offers resources to help contextualize the continued evolution of telework and remote work as critical workplace flexibilities given the increased adoption of these flexibilities.
The OPM 2021 Guide To Telework And Remote Work In The Federal Government

Thriving in a Hybrid Environment Training

OPM presents “Thriving in a Hybrid Environment”, a free government-wide training opportunity for all federal employees.
Thriving In a Hybrid Environment Training

Transitioning to a Hybrid Work Environment

As more Federal agencies transition to hybrid workplaces or workplaces there are increasing numbers of environments that incorporate a mix of employees who are working in the office and those who are working from other locations. OPM has provided resources which include best practices and considerations to guide Federal agencies with both preparing for the transition and ultimately transitioning to hybrid work environments.
OPM Tip Sheet - Prepare to Transition to Hybrid Workplace
OPM Tip Sheet - Transition to Hybrid Workplace