Building a Recruiting Culture for the Future is the subject of the Panel discussion training program. Although recruitment is typically delegated to the talent acquisition arm of human resources, an organization’s ability to attract, recruit, and retain key talent is actually dependent upon several stakeholders including other areas of human resources, leaders, managers, current and former employees, and even other job candidates! The purpose of this panel is to educate session participants on the importance of actively integrating recruitment considerations with these other roles to optimize organizational impact. By acknowledging these interdependencies and actively strengthening them, DCPAS is creating a recruiting culture whose combined activities achieve a sustainably greater result. Open to Human Resources professionals DOD-wide, the Panel presentation is held at the Bolger Center in Maryland. This panel discussion training program covers an array of topics including:
- Workforce Planning/Data Analytics
- What’s New in Staffing Policy
- Understanding Gen Z Entering the Workforce Today (Panel)
- Employment Branding
- Effective Skills for Successful Federal Recruiters